About Me
Florrie's Finance Information

Yo! My name is Florrie. I live in Sydney, Australia. Do you worry about money? If you do, I hope the articles I have posted on this blog will help you to stop worrying so you can take control of your finances. I am not a financial advisor and I do not have any professional experience in this field. Rather, I am just someone who was once very bad at managing money who learnt some skills which mean I can now pay my bills and save some money for a rainy day. I hope you find this blog both useful and educational.


3 Ways Quantity Surveyors (QS) Prevent Disputes in Contractual Relationships

19 March 2021
 Categories: Finance & Money, Blog

Typically, most construction projects are long-term in nature, which often translates to uncertainties. Disputes are a classic example of uncertainties, and they can hinder the progress of any construction project, not to mention the cost implication. Therefore, construction project disputes must be avoided or resolved as soon as possible. It is the reason a property developer needs to hire a quantity surveyor. Apart from being the construction industry's financial whiz-kids, quantity surveyors also keep a close eye on contractual relationships. Read More …